The Untitled

Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Gud moning every body,….
Lama deh gak apdet blog ;) so, so, how's mine actually?

Starting from : my job :D 
(yaaahh, anggap aja ni emang job beneran,…;)
It’s been 4 months working in here, but yaa, lumayan lah buat ngisi waktu biar gak boring time bgt, sekalian cari2 kerja yg mapan sekalian, tring.
But, i guess i owe more alhamdulillah for these.. :)

And than, my relationship,..

Hhhmm, hmm, not much i can tell for now, but insyaAllah it's getting closer to sacred thing we both want since we met 3 years ago. may Allah bless our way, amiin...

So, hows’s ‘bout yogya?

Hhmm, kota gudeg ini masih sama seperti dulu, always bisa membuat semua orang jatuh cinta stay disini,…
Tak ada macet, tak ada copet, no ribet, but it's my home now. gotta learn to live here better. For now,…

                                                                                                              ----- always loving jogja -----

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